Thursday, September 2, 2010

Casey Serin: "Back in the game"

   The tweet that blasted out on March 12, 2010 at 7:55 PM from would-be real estate mogul Casey Serin was obscure. It read:

... after a little hiatus, back in the game.

   That one tweet ignited a message board thread on CampIdiot that has reached 26,074 responses as of today. The view count so far? 512,578 views. Casey once called people who derided his real estate predicament and subsequent business ventures "Haterz."

   Casey gained notoriety for buying houses with liar loans and then subsequently lost them all when the real estate bubble popped. USA Today named him the "poster child for everything that went wrong in the real estate boom."

   Why am I mentioning Casey Serin? He's a contrary indicator. As long as he's still riling up haterz, the housing market cannot recover.

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